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Industrial WTE

The industrial waste is transported into incineration plant after weighting system and analysis system,stored in different liquid waste tank /waste pit respectively depend on physical-chemical characteristic;The waste mixture will take into account the chemical composition, the pollutant content and the lower heating value of every waste stream, with the main aim to control the pollutants production during the combustion process and, at the same time, to minimize the auxiliary fuel consumption, realizing a self-burning mixture.
The mixed industrial waste are incinerated in the combustion system, which include a rotary kiln, a static combustion chamber and a post combustion chamber.
The flue gas coming from combustion passes through the steam generator, where its thermal energy is transferred to water and utilized as superheated steam。
Flue gas from steam generator passes into flue gas cleaning system, which mainly include SNCR system、Quench、Reactor、Fabric filter、Scrubber and Flue gas heater, and released into the atmosphere.

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